I got my package. I will write a post about it, but I am still overwhelmed and waiting for guidance. I read it cover to cover and took away the things I could understand: Eat every 3 hours during waking hours, to keep my metabolism humming along (I am not sure if this is old-truth, but as I promised Richard, I will do the program as it was designed for me). I am designed for 'burst' work-outs, but likely to obtain soft tissue injuries. I tolerate alcohol well, because of this I don't likely have hang-overs and need to be conscious of my intake. I need to set 5 attainable and measurable goals (harder than it sounds). Mindfulness eating will likely be the key to my success. Let's look at number 5; mindful eating. This is what keeps you from eating out of boredom, prevents mindless snacking and makes the process of eating more enjoyable. I think it's the same principle as food journals or budget journals -- being aware and in the moment keeps you from ov...