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Me and my goiter named Frank.

I've fallen down the well of Podcasts and conspiracies. I'll put together a list of the best ones (on the side) so you know where to find all of the actual details. I am learning my inability to regurgitate information. (It reminds me of Tim Taylor on Home Improvements*, Wilson would bestow upon him amazing wisdom and than Tim would, at the worst time, spout his interpretation that was always wrong. In the right spirit, but wrong).

*Richard and I are binge watching this show and feck, it is so funny and still very relevant to our lives. 

On that note; I will try to share what I have been learning...

Hypothyroidism; also called underactive thyroid or low thyroid, is a disorder of the endocrine system in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. It can cause a number of symptoms, such as poor ability to tolerate cold, a feeling of tiredness, constipation, depression, and weight gain.

I practice Intermittent Fasting, a great tool for an OCD foodie to take the stress out of thinking about food ALL. THE. TIME. I always research everything before jumping in, especially in respect to my thyroid and the overall impact.

I thought podcasting might be my best tool, the ability to learn AND workout is a huge win. Reading and Running, just don't jive.

I just did a random search and found the Intermittent Fasting Podcast #052; the Thyroid Episode with guest Elle Russ; host of Primal Blueprint and a leading voice in thyroid health.

This podcast changed my game, they were describing me (and apparently 75% of Hypo sufferers), diagnosed with Hypothyroidism 10 years ago, on synthetic meds with no relief of symptoms, in fact a growing list of symptoms.

Elle went on to explain that the normal (and outdated) test only tests the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) from the pituitary gland. TSH is requested from the Thyroid when needed. The test I was basing my life around and taking meds for wasn't even testing my thyroid!! (please know I had been to several specialists in regards to my thyroid and its laziness, with the same outcome).

How the thyroid works (something I also didn't know).

Your thyroid releases T3 (the active hormone) and T4 (the ready to be active hormone) into your system as requested from the Pituitary Glands. T3 jumps into action to regulate, stimulate and control everything, while T4 is there ready to convert to T3 as needed. Then there is the fancy reverse T3 which is the sneaky little guy that undoes the T3 when the body thinks there is too much.

Yet, to diagnose Hypo the doctors only test the TSH, while knowing there are more than a handful of places things could be going wrong.

And as I am listening; the Podcast starts listing all the symptoms I suffer from -- BUT hadn't linked to my thyroid, (because that was being managed by the synthetic thyroid I was taking every morning, on an empty stomach, 60 minutes away from everything else in my day. *eye roll*).

I have been unsuccessfully treating everything independently.

This started my mission to get answers, first stop my GP - my trusted source of information for over 20 years, but the same guy that regularly told me to 'eat less and exercise more' when I complained of weight gain and fatigue -- still I like him and I want to give him a chance.

He faxes over a requisition and its just for my TSH even though I asked for the full panel.

I do the test and get back, as expected, normal range results (1.11). Which should make me feel better, the 'nothing is wrong is the worst answer' paradigm*. Now the other interesting angle is I am on the same dosage from pre-pregnancy, postpartum, plus +55lbs and -45lbs. That's not logical! I want to scream at anyone who will listen.

*Because it means there is nothing to treat, I know in my body something isn't right, but the precious tests say everything is fine and doctors only listen to the black and white on the paper NOT the patient and the mounting symptoms. 

So I take my normal range test and book a follow-up to argue the results, but this time I plan for back up. I continue my podcast research, where I find the guys at ATP science and I fall in love.

It's a scientist, a business man and a naturopath based in New Zealand, who got together to fix the wellness industry. They're gluttons for information and passionate about providing solutions that actually work.

The most informative one I've found is The ATP Project - Thyroid Life Hacks. It goes into greater detail from the IF podcast, and just sounds good (I am a sucker for the accent). This opened a greater window in to my wellness path and the failures I might be suffering. Plus, they have an product line in tune with their research and beliefs, which I am yet to try, but curious.

Now it is time to find help; I know Naturopaths have the time and knowledge to help, but that's only if you find the right one (I was going to say 'good one', but didn't think that was a fair comparison, a 'bad one' might just be someone I don't jive with and I have been to a few of those).

I found the right one, someone who is prepared to listen, informed and ready to shake things up. We had an incredible pow-wow. She read my file beforehand and understood my frustration. We had a great discussion about everything and she added weight to my argument, I was going in the right direction.

She issued a full panel blood test to what is going on, offered recommendations on Thyroid Support supplements and made a plan.


*We have TWO plans and a back up.  

The main purpose of this post (which is not to educate #TimTaylorSchoolofKnowledge), is to remind everyone to self-advocate. Do your research. If something doesn't feel right, find out what it is. Work with professionally that support your journey.

Update: My Full Panel came back and despite normal T4 levels (thank you synthetic horomones) I have incredibly low T3 (3.0) the active, does all the work, horomone! Which made me grin like a cat, because we found the problem... I found the problem. Now, on to the solution!!

Yours in Health-i-esque,



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