What is that?
5000 Club is a tortuous event masterminded by my coach, Rod. It feels like a gateway to Ninja training - can I complete this challenge? Am I committed? Am I ready?
Yes. Yes, I am Rod.
5000 Club is insanity of completing 5000 Push-ups, 5000 Sit-ups and 5000 squats in 28 days. That is averaging 180/day of each. This doesn't seem like a lot until it is. It seems possible when you break it down to 20 hour for all the hours you are awake... easy. Ha!
It starts out simple, I do my 20 each and set a time for one hour - I drink my coffee, log in to work and then the timer beats and I get down on the ground and do 20 more, set the timer and get back to work. I have a few meetings read an email and BAM my timer goes off. I do my squats, push-ups and sit-ups, set the time and sit back down at my desk, the time beats. The hours get shorter until its 10pm and I am in my bedtime frantically squatting while Richard is trying to sleep. This is fine. Everything is fine.
It is day 17 of the challenge.
I have kept the pace and completed the average of each. I am starting today just shy of 3000 of each.
During this challenge I also shifted my nutritional goals to be 100% gluten-free (always the goal).
So it is day 17 of this, while keeping up my distance training, kick-boxing and workouts. And trying to be the parent I always wanted, which has resulted in a lot of bike rides, basketball, park visits and skipping.
And I have gained 4lbs and so many inches.
What the fuck, body??? This 'being active' is a ton of work. I am tired and chasing my tail all the time. It would be worth it if I saw results, it is hard to want to keep going.
I just keep telling myself - I want to be a Ninja. I am going to be a Ninja. I have 11 months.
Just imagine what would happen if I kept up this pace for 11 months??? Either my body would finally get with it and I would be fit as eff. Or I will keep gaining and be a house. Who knows??
I do know I will be sticking with it. I know I want to be this version of myself more than the other.
Mostly I just miss Oreos.
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