That could mean a number of things, but sadly it means that I am over 40lbs gained this year. In fact, I have gained 40lbs in 7 months. Since I switched to NDT, since my thyroid numbers leveled out. WHAT. THE. FUCK. It was gradual-ish, a little over a pound a week. I wished it away as water weight, an off day or a wonky scale. I thought it would mellow out once the meds kicked in, but my friends they have kicked in. Look. Those are great numbers, normal... nothing to complain about. But I am up 40lbs, I am full of brain fog, wearing glasses, exhausted and grumpy. WHAT DO I DO NOW? And maybe you're thinking... but muscle weighs more than fat and that is true, but I also haven't lost any inches. You've heard the list before of all the things I think I am doing right... but it doesn't matter. I didn't feel as pessimistic as I expected. I assumed my numbers would be terrible and that I could blame this crummy thyroid for...