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Showing posts from January, 2021

What I have learned.

I spent 2020 trying to find a new normal, I reached out to everyone for advice -- friends, specialists, doctors, coaches, therapists. Everyone had a different idea of what was right to me, the only thing they agreed on was my mental health was more important than my physical health.  I had one telling me to visualize my ideal self. I had another condemn that idea, claiming my ideals were society based not internal. I had one helping me right micro goals. Another telling to just do what makes me feel happy; eating what I want and sleeping as needed. So much of it had me questioning everything about myself, the way I go about things. I have ideas of what doesn't work and what does.  The take away was I need to find what works for me, outside of what works for everyone else. It means it is ok to do what works for my body that might not be the normal thing - smoothies work for me, I love high intensity workouts, getting up early isn't perfect, but it makes sense. I need goals, a p...