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Showing posts from June, 2018

The Willpower Instinct - Chapter One

I am reading this book to develop the willpower required to tackle my goals. The beauty of this Book is broken down into Chapters, with a goal and experiment in each. You build off the following week. Chapter One is about setting your challenge, developing your 'I will', 'I won't' and 'I want' goals, finding your trigger (early every time) and meditation (strengthening your frontal cortex). I posted my 'I' goals and have stuck to them the entire week, reciting them in my head when temptation wanes. I will get health, I won't sabotage myself, I want to be fit. I can proudly say I haven't slipped on my diet or fitness intentions, even adding kick-boxing to my routine. Just from that I have lost 5lbs. I have a journal of my triggers. Who knew they were rooted in waste?! I hate wasting food. That's why when I am full, but there is food on my plate, I continue to eat; why I eat off of my son's plates (they never eat); why I ind...

A new Adventure-esque.

I am embarking on a new adventure & I think that warrants a new blog. Melp's Health is a child of Fitness-esque , the wacky adventures of a girl trying anything (and everything) to get fit. This is the blog of a woman trying to get healthy. A woman trying to help others get healthy. This is the next chapter in my life, (I have a dozen more cliches if you're interested). I just hope this chapter is as much fun... for me and for you. Health-i-esque yours, Melp